Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR)
COERR was established by Catholic Bishops' Conference of Thailand (CBCT) on the 20th December 1978 as a non-profit organization to provide relief to those affected by natural disaster and to give needy assistance to the refugees and displaced persons, as well as to render services to the poor and the vulnerable Thai individuals, including the local population affected by the influx of refugees into Thailand. COERR operates under the concept of love and serving all fellowmen on the basis of humanity without any consideration of race, religion, gender or political ideology.
During the first 15 years, COERR rendered assistance to hundred thousands of Indochinese refugees such as Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese refugees who had fled the political conflict in their countries and taken refuge in Thailand especially the areas along the Thai-Cambodian border. Programs were designed to provide them with Basic Needs, Education, Vocational Training, Care for the Elderly and Disabled Persons, Agricultural Training Healthcare, Shelter and others. Our services were successfully carried out by local staff as well as volunteers from western and eastern countries such as America, Germany, France, Japan, Philippines, etc.
Since then, COERR also renders assistance to Thai people who are affected by the refugee situation along the borders of the country. The major activities are Free Lunch Program for Poor Schoolchildren, Vocational Training Program, Agricultural Training Program, Healthcare Program. After the Indochinese refugees returned to their countries, COERR started some programs in Cambodia to assist the returnees and the poor people in terms of Education, Vocational training for income-generating purpose, Relief for the Elderly, Healthcare, HIV-AIDs Awareness Raising and Agriculture.
When the refugee crisis reverted to the Thai-Burmese border and thousands of refugees arrived in Thailand, COERR was there to support them.

The Scope Assistance of COERR
To Give Emergency Assistance to the Victims of Natural and man - made Disasters:
By giving emergency foodstuffs and the necessities of life to those affected by natural disaster,
i.e., flood, storm and fire, etc.
To Provide Assistance to the Refugees:
Assisting and relieve the stress and difficulties both physically and mentally of the refugees located in the 4 provinces along the Thai-Myanmar border, i.e., Mae Hong Son, Tak, Kanchanaburi and Rachaburi by providing them with emergency supplies for their survival and assist them further in the preparation for repatriation to their homeland when the situation improves.
To Give Assistance to the Thai People Affected by the Influx of refugees:
To operate various relief projects in consistence with the requirements of the people in the border areas.

Vision & Mission
To proactively render appropriate humanitarian relief services, particularly to the Extremely Vulnerable Individuals (EVI’s) that will enable them to live their lives with dignity and encourage them to be productive and caring member of their community.
To alleviate the suffering of people in need, regardless of their nationality, religion, gender or political beliefs.

Operational Supports
COERR acts as a center in gathering assistance and supports from various religious and charity organizations as well as private individuals in general, for conveying to the refugees, the unfortunates, the affected Thai people and the vulnerable individuals. |