Peace building in Tham Hin and Ban Don Yan camps have been continuously implemented by refugee Peace Committee and COERR staff. The pastoral work and community peace building has been empowering the refugees’ spirituality as a truly healing of memory and reconciliation.
In Tham Hin Camp, Sr. Cecilia has paid a visit to the Peace Committee and made her statement of supporting to refugee leaders that their leading roles are important as they need to show their honest and trustworthiness filled with love in every activity they do and be a good example so that their action will be followed by the younger members of the community who will be growing to be good adults and live their happy and peaceful life in their society. Visiting the poor and the sick is an example of sharing love to the vulnerable. Sister Cecilia and the Peace Committee then visited 9 sick refugees at home and hospital.
In addition, there are night carols singing from house to house during Christmas and other religious ceremonies in both Tham Hin and Ban Don Yang camps by the youth church groups.
In Ban Don Yang, the Peace building is a work of devotion for society. The refugee Peace Committee is set as an example. Their work include monthly meeting to discuss about community and church activities, visit the poor and vulnerable and sick at home and hospital.
Music Groups in both camps pay their visit to the youth from house to house and at dormitory, singing and praying together. Saturdays and Sunday school activities are going on.
On January 14, 2013, Mass was celebrated in Ban Don Yang camp among 60 churchgoers, followed by community meeting. Sunday School was offered by catechists with the support of COERR.
