The Saturday activities in October and November 2012 have been the excited experience for 36 children and youth in Nupo camp, Umpang District, Tak Province. On Saturday, October 20, these young members representing their 18 sections in the camp joined the Community Service Workers, and Child Protection Committee in each section in the drawing of community map. COERR Program Social Workers explained to the youth about how to survey and then the Community Service Workers and the youth started the survey in their section. The children had paper and drawing materials with them so that they can draft the outstanding landmarks including hazard-prone areas.
The children spent the morning session practicing their skills in noticing the physical and geographical landscape of their own community and communicating with the people in the area before writing down in their paper. In the afternoon, everyone come back to the COERR office and gather their information and draw a big map.
On Saturday, November 24, 2012, the second activities started with the groups taking the map to the community and verify the drawing. After meeting the section leaders and concern villagers in all sections, they all came back and gathered at COERR Office. Then the final and detailed map has been drawn. The advantage of the activities are two folds: the children have been interested in this new activities and learned many skills; while the community map they drew will be used for land management especially the selection of the sites for children activities. This activity also created relationship between the youth and the community people.
The First Activity on Saturday, October 20, 2012 with 66 participants

The second activity was organized on Saturday, November 24, 2012 with 50 participants,
including refugee children and youth, community service workers and child protection committee.
