In November every year, COERR celebrate the 2 ceremonies, i.e. November 20th is the day of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
In Mae La Camp, the Stop Violence Day event took place on November 23rd and was the opening ceremony for the following 16 Days of Activism. In Umpiem, it was held on the 20th and in Nupo on the 24. The goal is education and prevention about violence against children and women. The slogan of the activities is: “From peace in the homes to peace in the world. Let’s challenge militarism and end violence against women and children.”
In Nupo camp, the campaign is “Stop Violence, Change to Friendship and Love.”
COERR and the Child Protection Committee (CPC) and several concerned organizations in camps are pleased to organize many activities: In Mae La Camp, the day started with a march through three different marching routes. In each zone there were about 100 children marching. They were joined by camp staff and people who live in camp. After the marching there was an assembling at the public sport area, then the opening ceremony started with speeches about prevention of violence against children and women and the importance of the Stop Violence campaign made by the Thai Camp Commander, NGO representatives and community-based organization leaders. Then there were the speech contest, banner contest, drawing and essay writing contests. The ceremony was closed by members of the CPC. There are dramas about violence against children and women and a contest about the knowledge learned from the drama. Another highlight in the afternoon was modern and traditional sports competition which entertained and strengthened the people’s unity.
The ceremonies were successful as there were more participants than expected: over 400 in Umpiem, over 300 in Mae La and more than 300 in Nupo camp.
Campaign in Nupo Camp

Stop Violence Day at Mae La Camp, November 23rd 2012

Children marching with their signs

Speeches by representatives of various organizations

Candidates for the speech contest
Child Rights Day in Umpiem was held on November 21, 2012 focusing on the knowledge about child’s right and protection with 480 participants including children and youth, parents and community-based organization and leaders.
