Protection Sector
Case Work
Protection Work for each EVIs group will be responsibility of each agency who will conduct Need Assessment Survey in each particular.
IRC/WPE for Women
UNHCR for the Ddisabled and Eelderly
COERR for the Unaccompanied and Separated Children
(COERR questionnaires will be designed by our Protection Coordinator)
Mental / Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Child Friendly Space activities will be established in all 4 sections starting at Section 3, and there is a plan to open in Section 1, 2 and 4 respectively. On April 2, a survey will be conducted to get the total number of children and see whether the area is appropriate for organizing activities. Several activities will be arranged for children especially drawing and clay sculpting. Observation and evaluation would be made during the children play time. Should any sign of mental risk be observed, the case would be referred to IRC Health Unit for further care.

Section 3 Child Friendly Space Activities

Non Food Items Sector
After the Krobkruakao Channel 3 TV Team have already distributed some supplies on April 1, the list of unmet items has to be reviewed and rechecked. Below are the finalized lists of the unmet supplies which would be submitted to the Provincial Office on April 2 by COERR:

BMS Refugees awaiting the Krobkruakao Channel 3 TV Distribution
