COERR and concern agencies are still working hard to render relief and services to affected refugees from Fire in Mae Surin Camp
3 extremely vulnerable individual cases (EVIs) are still under tracing: 2 girls have been refered to Mae Sa Riang Team, 1 Elderly still under tracing in the camp but we have no clue about her.
The move of population to temporay shelter site in section 3 have been made. EVIs identified by COERR, JRS, WPE and UNHCR is first priority of move to the high school compound and later other affected poluation.
The transport of moving EVIs people to temporary site in section 3 are supported by all agencies COERR, JRS, IOM,IRC and UNHCR
As of 30 of March, temporary shelter site in high school are full of EVIs who have been moved there, most are elderly, single mom with many children, women with new born baby and physical disabled.
The need assessment to EVIs who moved to new temporary shelter site are on going to ensure they have received basic need. The assessment team wil refer the case to COERR for further support both mental and physical.
Mobile Child Friendly space will be set up on Monday 1 of April near the temporary shelter site at section 3 so that children and people can join and relax.

Temporary shelter site at high school section 3, this area can take around 25 families, EVIs is the first priority.

Temporary shelter site at Football field in section 3, this area can take around 38 families.

Temporary bathing area and toilet installing at the foot ball field
Clearance of the debris at the affected sites started in section 4 , since 28 of March. The government sent the heavy machnery to clear the land and return to community. Only restricted area has not started clearance.
Photo of section 4 on 24 of March, 2 days after the fire incident in BMS camp

Photo of section 4 on 30 of March, 8 days after the fire incident in BMS camp

Non Food Items sector
- KnRC requested for more tents to store supplies as the warehouse has limited space and more donation items still keep coming to the camp. In response to KnRC’s concern, tents will be added to the list of items to submit to MHS governor.
- The distribution is still on- going at the distribution center in section 1 and section 4.
- On Monday 1 of April, Mae Hong Son Governor will lead Channel 3 TV team that will visit the camp to provide more relief supplies. Later on Tuesday 2, Her Royal Highness Princess Ubol Ratana and the Miracle of Life Foundation will also visit and provide more relief supplies.
- KnRC request all agencies for schedule of transportation of donation materials, which has been agreed by all agencies.

KnRC staffs are recording private donation list

Section 4 section leader distribute relief supplies at distribution center in section 4 by name lists |