Dear Readers,
On behalf of refugees in Ban Mae Surin Camp, Khun Yuam District, Mae Hong Son Province, COERR would like to express our deepest appreciation for your kind support to the refugees in Ban Mae Surin through Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR)’s emergency relief program for the affected refugees from the big fire on March 22, 2013. May we take this opportunity to inform you, both Thai and foreign organizations and individuals, that with all the support that has enabled us to render the best services to the EVI (extremely vulnerable refugees) in their time of needs.
Now that the first week of emergency phase has passed, we are entering the recovery phase which is the time to help the refugees, who suffered twice: from war and fire, to recover and return to their normal life. The programs that will help them in this recovery phase are community services to the most vulnerable refugees, i.e. children, elderly and handicapped; and the vocational training comprising soap, candle and balm making, agriculture such as animal raising, kitchen gardening, etc. These activities which will bring them to become self-help and self-sufficiency will need your further support.
We believe that If we give them a fish they can eat for one day, if we teach them how to fish then they can eat for the whole life. We look forward to your continued support which will help them to have better living while awaiting future repatriation.
COERR working day summary: Protection sector
Tracing for EVIs
- As of 29 March 2013, 157 out of 159 UASC in total have been traced and found.
- 2 girls who informed by their relative that left camp for Mae La Ma Luang (not Mae La as reported on 28 of March) will be refer to Mae Sariang for further tracing
- As of 29 March 2013, 107 out of 109 EVI Adult in total have been traced and found.
- 1 Elderly still not found, the cas has already report to Protection group to support searching her and will be calling to public annoucment if her still not found
- Maesot team 1 who was with us since Monday 25 of March return to Maesot today 29 March 2013, With the support of the team we can tracing EVIs faster so that EVIs are able to recieved distribution equally. Mae Sariang Team who also with us on Wednesday and Thursday so that MHS staff be able to have some few days rest during shifting the team. Truely thanks to these teams and others who also come to help us.
- On 30 of March most of the work will be providing transportation of EVIs to section 3 and doing assessment at the new temporary area so we can ensure that what are people need still unmet
Next days of work:
The most emergency things have been done at the first week. Most of the work for the next coming week is the stage of rehabilitation and phychological support. Child Friendly Space in section3 will be implemented (IRC phychosocial team has already implemented at the affected area in section 1) with the suppoprt from save the children. Because many families already moved to section 3 and most of them are EVIs and many kids. The man power in site 2 are very limited and due to 2 of 3 of camp population are affected by fire so the rest of unaffected population have to give the hands to all the work but mostly they are busy with shelter, cooking, water and sanitation installation.
Palad, Camp committee and KNRC together with other agencies have agreed that COER R should arrange Volunteer Youth group from BMN camp to support Child Friendly Space activitiesfor children and other work in BMS. The great response from Youth group in BMN, 31 of youth propose to be a volunteer to support COERR activities in BMS but will arrage all of them into small group with weekly rotation.

The boy was in SCC we were searching for him for many days and found that he reunited with family in section 3

SCR who was in affected section now living with relative in safety section

Interview the care taker.
Non-Food Items (NFI)- led sector
- We clear the list with Camp committee and supply committee we cut from 44 lists to 27 lists which including the main items that already covered and items will be covered according to commitment.
- As agreed COERR will focus on the list submitted to Vice Governor. The rest items will be managed by camp committee and emergency committee. For the gaps or unmet materials they will inform COERR.
- On 29 of March regarding meeting of UNHCR and MHS Governor the review and finalize of the list submitted to the Vice-Governor are requested by Governor before return it to the Head of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department as soon as possible so that the MHS Province can proceed with the purchase of the items. I will review this items with NFI sector tomorrow (30 March 2013).
- Most of the materials stock in the church already distributed to affected people.
- The recieving store for non food will be located at CPC office, the church will be for food item. CPC will be the Center to distribution material
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Most of the distribution material are well organized.

Hygiene kits delivery to distribution center in section 4 with IOM truck support.

Checking with section leader to ensure material received.

Section leader has meeting with section 1 residents to make understanding about the plan.